
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Ten Word Tuesday 3/15

1. Saturnine
This is a great way to describe certain people (cough, cough, Jackson Caldwell, cough, cough)

Here's a slug.
2. Wordmonger
A writer or speaker who throws around words with a disregard for meaning
I hope that Ten Word Tuesday prevents you from becoming a wordmonger.
3. Apostasy
A deportation from ones religion, beliefs, party, etc.
4. Psittacism
Mechanical, Repetitive, or meaningless speech.
It's like the noun for monotonous, you could say.

4. Foudroyant
foo-droi-uh nt
Overwhelming and stunning in effect
Image result for Striking

5. Winkle
to pry something out of place
This word is informal British! Try saying that with an accent...
6. Bibliotaph
Someone who catches or hoards books.
Sounds like Linnette Birdie from Life in Mill Halley or Liesel Meminger from The Book Thief.
Image result for books
7. Pandiculation 
The act of stretching oneself
When I woke up the next day, I dreaded getting to my feet. After a lengthy pandiculation, I set off to the dresser.
Image result for stretching
8. Oniomania
Uncontrollable urge to buy things
I've gone through one of these lately... Just want to be independent and.... buy some tinned pears...
Image result for shopping bagsImage result for tinned pears

9. Gormandize
To eat greedily
Imagine Lida presented with a juicy piece of fruit. Or Ginger Gillim presented with something edible.

Image result for eatingImage result for eating

9. Penetralia
The most private or secret things

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