
Sunday, January 24, 2016

20 Telltale Signs That You're a Writer

Add any to this list that you would like!!!

  1. You find yourself writing past your bedtime. 
  2. You find yourself writing on the stairs. 
  3. You find yourself writing in the bathtub (or bathroom) 
  4. When you are supposed to write an 2-paragraph essay on the best form of government, you find yourself writing a 7-paragraph-essay about how much you love Harry Potter. 
  5. You get up at five in the morning to write. 
  6. You find yourself participating in NaNoWriMo. 
  7. You find yourself participating in Camp NaNoWriMo. 
  8. Instead of writing swear words on the bathroom stall walls, you write stories.
  9. You find yourself slapping people who don't like writing. 
  10. You have no friends because no one else likes to write as much as you do. 
  11. You've never met any of your friends in person because you met them all at Virtual Write in's. 
  12. Instead of counting sheep when you can't sleep, you come up with story ideas. 
  13. You enjoy killing people. (in your stories, of course)
  14. All of the people that you have killed died in different ways. 
  15. The majority of your new years resolutions have to do with writing. 
  16. You didn't write any new years resolutions because you were too busy writing for your blogs. 
  17. You have more than one blog dedicated to writing. 
  18. You have more than two blogs dedicated to writing. 
  19. A whole corner of your room is dedicated to writing.
  20. All of your stories are backed up 3 different ways because you've heard of the horror of losing a 50,000 word manuscript. FOREVER.

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