Noun- mildness or gentleness
Her mansuetude was contagious when she picked up the new boy's books.
I can't think of an application for this word, but I like it...
2. Scholockmeister
Noun- Slang for a person who sells worthless goods.
I think I had too much fun finding these. There was also a cheese grater that had no holes, but I couldn't get it here. Sadness...
3. Incipient
Adjective: Beginning to exist or appear.
The incipient cold told her to take medicine before it got serious.
A while back I had a incipient illness and so I put all of my necessities by my bed. I was sick for about a week. That's when I wrote 'Plate full of smells!'
4. Ripsnorter
Noun- Someone or something remarkably exciting
Say it five times without laughing. I dare you to. I couldn't get past two.
5. Juvenilia
Plural Noun- Writings or works produced in ones youth
I have some really dumb juvenilia. Elisabeth's Journey- I threw that one away in the past year, I think. It was pretty stupid.

6. Pleonasm
Noun- redundancy, using more words to express something than necessary.
Pleonasm was frequent in the four-year-old's sentences.
7. Manna
Noun- sudden or unexpected aid or help
This word is simple but displays good vocabulary.
For me, I can remember it because manna was also the unexpected food God gave the Israelites, helping them to survive.
8. Anathema
Noun- A person or thing detested or loathed

To me, peanut butter is an anathema. Ew.
9. Immure
Verb (finally!)- to shut in
I immured myself in my room to escape from my unloving family.

10. Cloudburst
Noun- A sudden, heavy rainfall

A cloudburst erupted over us, showering us with droplets of water.
3. Incipient
Adjective: Beginning to exist or appear.
The incipient cold told her to take medicine before it got serious.
A while back I had a incipient illness and so I put all of my necessities by my bed. I was sick for about a week. That's when I wrote 'Plate full of smells!'
4. Ripsnorter
Noun- Someone or something remarkably exciting
Say it five times without laughing. I dare you to. I couldn't get past two.
5. Juvenilia
Plural Noun- Writings or works produced in ones youth
I have some really dumb juvenilia. Elisabeth's Journey- I threw that one away in the past year, I think. It was pretty stupid.

6. Pleonasm
Noun- redundancy, using more words to express something than necessary.
Pleonasm was frequent in the four-year-old's sentences.
7. Manna
Noun- sudden or unexpected aid or help
This word is simple but displays good vocabulary.
For me, I can remember it because manna was also the unexpected food God gave the Israelites, helping them to survive.
8. Anathema
Noun- A person or thing detested or loathed
To me, peanut butter is an anathema. Ew.
9. Immure
Verb (finally!)- to shut in
I immured myself in my room to escape from my unloving family.
10. Cloudburst
Noun- A sudden, heavy rainfall
A cloudburst erupted over us, showering us with droplets of water.
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