1. Splendiferous
I love saying this word! Try it! The word itself really is splendiferous...
2. Skulduggery
NOUNInstance of dishonesty or tricky-ness
Or duplicitous happenings could be called skulduggery
This is definitely Ginger when she tries... well, read Life in Mill Halley to see.
3. Amaranthine
ADJECTIVEEverlasting, Unfading
The new name for Tuck Everlasting can be Tuck Amaranthine...no, not the same ring.
Here is my picture from aeonian. It could be amaranthine...
To Roslyn Royel, -------------- -----'s hotness was amaranthine. He was beautiful.
I decided to censor out his name because you haven't seen their relationship yet. I don't like getting spoilers (except Downton Abbey ones), so I don't give them.
4. Desiccate
VERBTo become dried up
Sounds more like an adjective?!
------ left Ginger to melt and her heart to desiccate, feeling as if she would never feel human again.
Again, spoiler censored. This probably will happen next year so that would be a biggie.
5. Renascent
Being reborn

I know this is the first birth, but, well, you get the point.
In becomming Christian, you are renascent in Christ.
6. Affinal
concerning marriage
At lunch, Ginger looked worn out. I sat down next to her once I had my tomato soup. "What's eating you?" I asked.
She shrugs. "Affinal matters."
Skyler laughs from across the table. "Wouldn't the men do more?"
Ginger shoots her a look. "----'s great. But he can't do everything. Why did we settle on such a soon date?" It was more a plead to God than a question.
This is from later in Life in Mill Halley, when Ginger (SPOILER ALERT) gets married.
7. Arsenal
an array of resources
"Howdy!"I cry when I enter Shattered Land Territory the next day.
"Got the arsenal?" Emerson calls up from the hole. I nod, dumping my bundle on the forest ground.
8. Clandestine
ADJECTIVEkept secret or done secretly
9. Nuance
NOUNsubtle difference
10. Gratulation
NOUNA feeling of joy
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