1. Amative
Inclined to love- adjective
Roslyn Royel [Life in Mill Halley] is a very amative girl.
Oh, just you wait to hear about Roslyn's love life.
2. Nimiety
excess; overabundance- noun
To connect this to writing in general- NaNoWriMo produces a nimiety of words.
3. Aeonian
eternal, everlasting- adjective
So I found this cool picture. It doesn't exactly work for aeonian, but it is pretty cool and could continue forever.
4. Ludic
Playful in an aimless way- adjective
Oh, my ludic friends. I can't wait to use this one on them. And this is a picture of a playground where ludic kids may play...
5. Clinquant
glittering- adjective
Okay, I just HAD to give you this word. It means glittery! What's life without a little sparkle?
6. Oneirataxia
inability to distinguish dreams or fantasy from real life- It has a Greek origin
In other words, Linnette Birdie
7. Celerity
Swiftness, Speed- Noun
Makes me think of Olympic track runners... Or, it could be for writers! Thomas writes with a celerity as clean as soap.
Nope. Bad analogy.
8. Encomium
Formal Expression of high praise- noun
See Life in Mill Halley- 5. Or a graduation ceremony.
9. Nugatory
of no real value, worthless- adjective
Counterfeit money, replica's, some writing
10. Pugnacious
inclined to fight- adjective
See Ginny Weasley in the 7th Harry Potter book. Also Tonks. And about a million other people.
Or these underfed chickens.
Are they even chickens?
Hope you enjoyed this, comment below of whether I should do it again or drop it or what. Have a word you want to see? Stick it below, email me, chances are it will get in to next Tuesday's Ten!
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